A Report from the Front Lines: In Three Parts

Democrats and Presstitutes Panicked that Musk Is Revealing Their Grift

Elon Musk’s revelations of the extraordinary corruption in federal departments have made it clear for me why so many Democrat Representatives and Senators without business backgrounds became multi-millionaires and how the presstitute media abandoned by the public remains on its feet.  Their source of wealth and funding is the US budget, which also explains why the budget is so totally out of control.  The political establishment and the media are living on the federal budget, while American taxpayers cannot make ends meet and are up to their eyeballs in debt.

The Federalist reports that just last week Washington Democrats held three press conferences denouncing the US Department of Government Efficiency’s revelations of massive theft and corrupt self-dealing as an invasion of their privacy. These same Democrats, little doubt well paid by the Chinese, never said one word about Chinese hackers breaching the US Treasury Department’s computer security system and stealing documents that the Treasury classified as “a major incident.”  Much less did the Democrats hold three press conferences about the Chinese hacking.

Do you really think Democrats, who have permitted unlimited violation of the American people’s privacy by the CIA, FBI, NSA, Homeland Security, care a whit about our privacy?  The only thing the Democrats are concerned about is the US Department of Government Efficiency’s discovery of their theft and corruption.

We have to ask ourselves where the Republicans have been all these years while the Democrats feasted on the American taxpayers.  Indeed, how long before the RINOs among them ally with the Democrats so that they don’t have to explain their years of non-action.  But note: It was Chelsea Clinton, not Ivanka, who got 84 million dollars of the taxpayers’ money. Ask yourself also: where did Bill and Hillary Clinton get $200 million dollars?

Note also: It is Trump’s regime, not Biden’s or Obama’s, that is rooting out the theft and corruption, and it is corrupt Democrat judges put in office for the sole purpose of protecting Democrats who are doing their best to block all transparency   


And don’t weep for the civil service complaining about their privacy.  The data is not private. It is in government hands.  There is no basis in law for some corrupt judge to rule that the government cannot see its own data. What the concern is really over is the large percentages of Biden and Obama hires who got the job not on merit but on skin color, gender, and sexual perversion. One reason the US government is so totally dysfunctional is that the Democrats using DEI have destroyed a competent, nonpartisan civil service and substituted one based on skin color, gender, and sexual preference.

Now that the civil service is playing the “angry and fearful” game, you know what kind of people they are.  

Federal Employees ‘Angered’ And ‘Fearful’ At Having To Do What Their Boss Says


Elon Musk Calls for Impeaching the federal judge who is helping the Democrats hide their corruption and theft from American taxpayers

Paul Craig Roberts

It appears that Democrats have been using the US Federal Budget as their personal slush fund. Now that the US Department of Government Efficiency is bringing out the evidence it is uncovering, the Democrats quickly had one of their judges order the Secretary of the US Treasury blocked from examining the information in the cabinet agency that he heads!

The judge was unable to cite any laws or precedent for his unprecedented order that a cabinet secretary has no control over the department he heads or access to its information.

Yes, you guessed correctly, the judge, Paul Engelmayer, is a Jewish Democrat, a party operative protecting the corruption of his party from being revealed. The judge ruled that revealing the evidence would cause “irreparable harm” to the Democrats and “the disclosure of sensitive and confidential information” will make the government data systems more vulnerable to hacking. What the judge’s words amount to is nonsense gabble to protect corruption from the light of day.  Can the United States continue to exist, much less function, when it has Democrat judges this corrupt?

Elon Musk described Engelmayer as “a corrupt judge protecting corruption. He needs to be impeached NOW.”  Is impeachment too light of a sentence?  Would you prefer his execution?

As there is zero basis in law for the judge’s ruling, Trump should ignore the judge’s worthless ruling. Why not just deport the judge along with the illegals?  There is actually precedent for this.  President Lincoln did it to a northern US Representative who merely disagreed with him.


The Atlantic Demonstrates the Whore Media’s Extreme Hostility to Trump and to the American People Who Elected Trump

Paul Craig Roberts

I personally do not believe than any American, not even a single one, is so disreputable, so Anti-American, so anti-white, so anti-sexual morality, so vile and despicable as to subscribe to The Atlantic.  I am convinced that this rag is underwritten by USAID grants and otherwise would not exist.

Perhaps I am mistaken.  Perhaps the American liberal-left is this vile, and they subscribe to The Atlantic in order to have their anti-American beliefs confirmed. Perhaps The Atlantic sustains the poor dears’ fantasies of America’s evils that must be destroyed along with America and all white people.

In The Atlantic’s latest offering of  crude propaganda, which is all that the rag provides, the disreputable rag denounces the Democrat multi-billionaires–Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, Tim Cook, and Sam Altman–who censored Trump and all who spoke one word of truth, and  transformes the anti-Trump multi-billionaire coalition  into  Trump’s “overlords” who are bringing lawlessness and fear to objective, nonpartisan, dedicated, competent civil servants with the intent to replace them with sycophantic Trump loyalists.  Clearly, with The Atlantic  it is OK to have Democrat loyalists, but not Trump ones.

How can we explain a writer penning such totally ignorant nonsense when it is known that the US civil service is overwhelming Democrat partisan as evidenced by its political campaign contributions which range from 86% to 97% Democrat across the federal departments and agencies?

I mean, really.  But it goes on from here. According to The Atlantic, the Trump administration is so corrupt and threatening that it believes it, elected by the people, actually has a right to rule.   What a fool the Trump administration is for believing that its election gives it a right to rule.  Only anti-Americans have a right to rule America. Where do these upstart MAGA Americans come from who believe they have a right to rule in their own country simply because they won an election?

According to the demented The Atlantic, all sorts of constitutional and legal barriers prevent Trump from governing, but none prevent Democrats and their corrupt judges, prosecutors, and media whores from preventing governance from an establishment-disapproved, despite electorally approved, presidential administration.

The writer of this idiocy, Adam Serwer, who according to Wikipedia is blessed with being both black and a Jew, strikes me, and perhaps I am mistaken, as a person far outside the boundaries of intelligent discussion.  He is one of the lost souls who believes that America shouldn’t exist, or should be redefined so that the real America no longer exists. We see now, blinders removed, what the American media is–our worst enemy, an enemy supported by taxpayers’ money, the intent of which is to subvert America and to make Americans slaves to the narratives the media  spins for our enslavement to an anti-American, anti-moral, anti-truth, anti-justice, anti-liberty existence ordained for us by the evil American Establishment presided over by Democrats so totally corrupt that the word doesn’t do the Democrat corruption justice.

The American Media is the scum of the earth. Trump should apply the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and break up the six illegal trusts, which reportedly are controlled by Jews,  that hold 90% of the US media in captive hands. How would you like to be a journalist forced to lie in print and in recorded speech every day of your life in order to have an income?  Those who have integrity find different employment. Those without integrity take the money.  What America has is a media without integrity.

Is Trump so enthralled to Jews that he cannot protect America?  Will the effort to make America great again fail because of Trumps’s subservience to Israel?  Will the Zionist evangelicals, fake Christians, abandon Trump if he frees America from Israel’s domination?

The question we face is:  Is America so subverted by Jewish interests that not even Trump can make America great again.  Is all that awaits America is its obituary?

A Report from the Front Lines: In Three Parts

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