2024: The Year America Ceases to Exist

In 234 years of American history, no president has been criminally prosecuted.  The entire world knows that the felony and civil charges against Trump are fabricated and concocted.  It is obvious that the Democrat Party  uses law as a weapon against political opponents just as Stalin did.  Democrats are the worst and most dangerous enemy the Constitution and American citizens have ever had.

The Democrats , focused on maintaining and expanding their one-party state, have a problem. Biden’s own Justice (sic) Department has ruled Biden mentally unfit to stand trial for compromising US security by having possession of unauthorized national security documents and leaving US national security documents in unsecured locations.  So how can Biden be allowed to run for president if he is mentally incompetent to stand for trial for a felony because of mental incapacity?

As I have written on this website and said in interviews, one way out for the Democrats, America’s worst enemies who are legitimizing sexual perversion, maintaining open borders so Americans can be over-run with taxpayer supported immigrant-invaders, and maintaining hostility toward Russia, China, and Iran, thus inviting America’s destruction, is to replace Biden with Hillary.  

What is the Democrats’ Playbook?

The other way, and perhaps both will be used together, is for the White House puppet of the ruling elite to orchestrate with the World Economic Forum member, the Governor of Texas, a border conflict and possible “civil war” threat that justifies martial law and the suspension of the presidential election.

It doesn’t take much intelligence to see that both outcomes are already being set in place.

Everywhere in the white Western world we see that the white governments discriminate against white citizens in favor of the Ukrainian refugees and third world immigrant invaders.  I learned today that the living standard in Ireland of the Ukrainian refugees and immigrant-invaders, paid for by the Irish people is higher than the average living standard of Irish citizens.  Irish farmers are faced with a wipeout of their assets as the government intends to destroy one million sheep and 200,000 cows to please the global warming agenda.

Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians is not the only genocide being committed today.  The white governments of the Western countries are committing genocide against their own white citizens.  The United States, Europe, Canada have open borders not for white people but for people of color who are outside the Western tradition. Try bringing in a European girlfriend, and you will see that immigration is not for white people.

Every Western government is busy at work erasing white civilization.  These governments are our deadly enemies. But the indoctrinated populace will never see it.

2024: The Year America Ceases to Exist

One thought on “2024: The Year America Ceases to Exist

  • Luis Melendez Albizu

    Mr. Roberts, Hillary is a lot worst than Biden. Hillary is more authoritarian, more pro-war, more pro-Zionism, more pro-militarism, more pro-censorship and more pro-media control than Biden. Hillary is much more machiavellian than Biden. She’s the one that brought the PNAC Neocons Warmongers into the Democratic Party. She concocted the war against Libya and the war against Syria, in order to please Netanyahu and to use those wars in her Presidential campaign. She’s also the one that concocted the UkroNazi revolt and takeover of Ukraine in 2014. She’s the one that ordered the creation of ISIS, which is really Sunni mercenaries retained by the CIA, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Turkey, that were trained by the US and Mossad, secretly held in Jordan, and meant to destroy the Assad Govt in Syria and the pro-Iran Govt in Iraq.


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