Fascism And Anti-Fascism In Venezuela

On September 14, 2024, the Venezuelan leadership held a live on air press conference, where it spoke about the failure of another coup attempt organized by the special services of the United States and Spain. The names and photographs of the detainees were given. The Spanish government immediately denied information that the detained Spaniards José María Basoa Valdovinos and Andrés Martínez Adasme have any ties with the Spain’s National Intelligence Center . Although, according to the Venezuelan government, they admitted that they work for this particular structure. The United States also hastened to declare that the accusations against them are not true. Another detainee is a Czech citizen. They transported four hundred U.S. assault rifles, which were also confiscated by Venezuelan justice.

Probably, the United States and Spain will still have to get themselves out of it and ask Venezuela for secret negotiations. After all, this operation was supervised by CIA agent Wilbert Joseph Castañeda Gomez, who was captured the day before in a mountainous area in the Venezuelan state of Aragua.

As a matter of fact, this was the first time in the history of the Venezuelan special services that a U.S. Navy officer who led the coordination of criminal gangs and the far-right opposition to carry out a coup was captured alive.

According to the new Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, “from the moment he arrived in Venezuela, he began to make contact with politicians. He began to make contact with people from organized crime gangs, which the United States itself has been saying have entered its territory, such as El Tren de Aragua, Tren de los Llanos.”

A screenshot from the seized phone confirm the seriousness of intentions and readiness to arrange bloody violence in Venezuela. One of the messages dated July 28 says:, “We are active. We are going to kill even the dog. We will see what happens tonight. They have already announced that Maduro won. Venezuela is going to ignite. I see that Caracas is a center of flames. It has become a war zone. People with weapons need to organize and launch a large offensive. Many innocent people will die, but to achieve the result the country deserves; there is no other way.”

Thanks to the capture of such a valuable man, an agent network of contacts was revealed, many of whom have already been detained. It is also known about the participation in this conspiracy of the far-right operator and arms dealer Iván Simonovis, fugitive from Venezuelan justice, who is negotiating with mafias located throughout Latin America.

The facts also indicate that large private military contractors, such as Erik Prince , founder of the infamous BlackWater company, participated in the planning of the coup. On September 9, he joined the recent social media trend #YaCasiVenezuela and shared a video on his X account with the comment “Stay tuned all freedom-loving Venezuelans. More to follow.” The video ominously announces September 16 as an important date where “Venezuela will change course”, and has been creating anxiety among some people in Venezuela. Earlier he urged to raise the US bounty on the head of President Maduro to 100 million dollars, and in a video posted on August 17th, he told the Venezuelan far-right “your friends from the north are coming soon and we will support you until the end.”

Although the far-right candidate Edmundo González Urrutia has fled to Spain, some of them do not lose hope for a change of power. For example, Deputy Carlos Martinez, secretary of the far-right organization РРТ Senalo , said in Tiktok that he has a plan to seize power in the country. He came out in a T-shirt with the hashtag #YaCasiVenezuela.

It can be assumed that all of them will soon have to report to the government and their own people. A bill aimed at combating fascism and other forms of discrimination is about to be adopted in the National Assembly of Venezuela, according to which restrictive measures and criminal liability can be applied against local ultra-rightists.

It should be noted that due to geopolitical changes in the region, the center of organizing attacks on the Venezuelan government has shifted. If it used to be Colombia, now it is not so willing to participate in the overthrow of President Maduro since President Gustavo Petro came to power, although US military bases are still located there. And now Ecuador has become a new beachhead for the implementation of terrorist plans against Venezuela.

According to Diosdado Cabello, voiced on Venezuelan television, “the conspirators in Colombia are having a hard time right now because they don’t have a government that would cooperate with them.” He noted that Ecuador is “…the kingdom of drug trafficking and paramilitarism at any level,” “Nieto Quintero” resides in that territory. He was referring to either Javier or Juan Carlos Nieto Quintero, two brothers who were involved in the failed Operation Gideon in May 2020, when a ship with weapons and mercenaries, including from the United States, were detained.

It is worth recalling that at that time, the Venezuelan national guard conducted Operation Negro Primero, in which they prevented the invasion of mercenaries from Colombia with the direct support of the CIA and the US Drug Enforcement Administration. Two American mercenaries, Luke Denman and Airan Berry, were convicted of terrorism. They were recently released in exchange for the release of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab by the Washington regime.

P.S. On September 10-11, the World Anti-Fascist Congress was held in Caracas, which brought together about a thousand delegates from 95 countries. It was unanimously decided to create a permanent body coordinating the fight against neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, racism and neo-colonialism. The Venezuelan leadership (President Nicolas Maduro, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez and Minister Diosdado Cabello spoke at the congress), like many participants, believe that there are now three main points of tension in the world where neo-fascism manifests itself – Israel’s aggression against Palestine, the US and NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, and coup attempts in Venezuela. And all of them need to be fought. By the way, only Russia was represented at this congress in two formats at once – by delegates and virtual participation in video conferences, which once again underlines its historical role in the fight against the plague of the twentieth century, which, unfortunately, reappeared in the third millennium.

Fascism And Anti-Fascism In Venezuela

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