Trump’s Engineered Crash: Massive Pump and Dump Over Deep State Bio-Engineered Pandemic Has Killed America

The media, America and Europe, even Russia, has been in full censorship mode for weeks now.  They, as with Trump and Gang, are shills for what we call the Kosher Nostra, a massive criminal conspiracy that has overwhelmed world governments through murder, blackmail and bribery.

They have been doing this since late antiquity, they have been caught many times, named and renamed, always in the shadows.  From day one, we found them behind Donald Trump and those around him.

We all saw it coming from day one.  We knew the sub-prime crash was only a test run and the 22 trillion debt, Trump’s crazy spending spree while the rich got a free ride, was not without purpose, the death of the United States.

We wake up today, cheap gas but the jobs will be disappearing in floods soon as with the ability to underwrite our banking system and there is no one left to borrow from, they died too.

Even the Saudis will be on the ropes.  All that will be left will be Venezuela, Iran, Russia and Cuba and they are laughing at us today.

Planes are empty, all flights to the Far East long since banned, to much of Europe as well and those that go, fly empty.  Go now, you get a whole aisle of seats.

We have now lost 20% of America’s economy, all that is left is the shards of the balloon and Trump’s debt.  We can no longer afford a military and stealing Syria’s oil isn’t going to fix anything, it costs $100 per barrel to process it and $500 a barrel to steal it.

Yes, they got ahold of SARS, a horrific respiratory illness, edited its DNA to make it incubate for weeks and stay symptomless then let it loose of China, Iran and Italy.

This, of course was done with an American president and vice president who are both criminally insane and a GOP controlled congress long on the payroll of the Kosher Nostra while the media is in full lockdown mode, reporting none of this.

We now have to watch and see what else is in store for us.  We are down to shotguns and canned goods, as warned long ago.

Why is no one talking about a totally decapitalized world?  The underlying value of everything has just disappeared as we only have currency, which is as strong as the economy behind it, economies that no longer exist, and bond/equity which have now lost a third of their value.

Past this, we have debt which is holding on fine, with new ratios today showing the US hopelessly over the edge, unable to sustain Social Security, Medicare and the military.

The capability to do this has been a highly funded black program run through programs that have been around since 1950 but which include not just the CIA but USAID and the funding mechanisms tasked with fighting “fake news” or building the fake border wall.

Defense tech in the US has gone for deniable nukes, crop diseases, killing of China’s pigs, learning how to spread infections with small drones, new forms of poison gas and neurotoxins anda, of course, torture, prison and the ever popular “mind control.”

Real or not, the US pours cash into not just press control, the institutions of deception, Facebook and Google, but building the “compliant man” through eugenics, biochemistry and non-ionizing radiation.  Creepy?

Critical to understand what is happening is understanding that everything you are told, every bit of information in TV shows, fiction and “non,” along with all news, analysis and the flood of “influencers,” flawed human disasters who pour garbage into the public sphere, all of this originates from longstanding organizations that despise humanity.

Who to look to in order to stop this?  Not the US military for sure, they were long ago taken over by grocery clerks and “Perfumed Princes.”

To begin, reordering the world economy and currencies, which means migrating from Kosher Nostra owned central banks to a more stable trading platform worldwide.

Then we end climate denialism as we have seen science denialism build the weapon that is now killing us all.

In the US, eliminate the Electoral College, base the Senate on population, end the Supreme Court…all engineered into America by the precursor of the Kosher Nostra.  This is childishly easy to document.

End health care/big pharma robbery, a huge tax on America.

Cut the military by 40%

Really do what Trump falsely claimed he was going to do under his fake populism, but do it recognizing that the US is interwoven with the world.  There are no more countries.

End the lobby’s for Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey in Washington, our most immediate threat.  Turkey alone has spent $50 million on GOP congressmen in the last 2 weeks trying to buy their way into the EU to replace Britain, with Trump threats as a hammer against Europe.

This is a huge secret but there are so many more and they would sicken anyone.

All courts, criminal and civil in the US need to be restructured and taken out of the control of organized crime.  Behind that, law schools need to be reformed and a new Bill of Rights needs to be drafted ending surveillance, ending government protected scams that impoverish working Americans, ending our fake governments at every level that are controlled by corporations that only front for the Kosher Nostra.

We must return America to civility, to safety for certain, but not as a tool of control and deception but as a task for all Americans, not just the looters and deceivers.

And with this, end the 2 party system…

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