Saying Goodbye to Sandor

Sandor Kakasi died today.  Those familiar with the work of Mehran Keshe will know Sandor as cofounder of the Keshe Foundation and for his years of tireless work in energy research.

I know him as a good friend.

Sandor, Mehran and ‘g’ in Rome, September 2016

Sandor died in the middle of a war few know about, a war against many enemies, hydrocarbon slavery, a world blackmailed into starvation and disease, a world where technologies are controlled through government sponsored thuggery, Belgium, Netherlands, and most of all, the United States.

Sandor was part of a world where technology was free, where research would always be in public domain and saving humanity from monsters few will ever understand was a daily struggle.

This is Sandor’s Facebook page, check in, see who he was, for those of you who didn’t know him.

Saying Goodbye to Sandor

One thought on “Saying Goodbye to Sandor

  • Zamyslawski Robert

    Dear Mr. Sandor Kakasi.
    You have disappeared from our space to move to a higher level, where new tasks await you, new goals that will help others in their personal development of understanding the surrounding space and the invisible energies of those discovered and those who are still waiting for someone like you who will discover what has been hidden .

    You left us your knowledge that you have always willingly shared.
    Our task is to use this knowledge and share it with others.
    That she would always be with us and with those who will come after us.
    You have left behind knowledge, it will always be with us and it is a part of your consciousness that has been and will be.
    Wise people go away, but the knowledge they gave us lives among us.
    You are still alive to us even though you are not physically present.
    you gave your life to fight the system to show us that what surrounds us is not what it seems to be.
    We will continue this fight so that the dark system will go into oblivion along with negative energy and the light of mind and soul will come into the further development of civilization.


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