Biden Hits Exactly 270, lead not won, without Pennsylvania in Race too Close to Call (updated)

This is our report at 9 AM EST. It holds true. Our subsequent reports are helpful also and VT’s reporting has been fair and accurate.
In the process, we have tripped over something. We are looking at the Postmaster and now his CIA wife whose family goes back two generations as anti-Soviet agents out of Poland. We are finding a core that began with the Regan neocons, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania/Estonia, Turkey, Poland, East Germany/Stasi at the heart of GOP election rigging and the growth of neo-Nazism in the US. Trump is in the middle of this group, now largely managed by Giuliani/Stone/Bannon out front, and a second group within the State Department, starting with Donut Dollie and our corrupt Postmaster’s wife.
Late counts favor democrats….with Pennsylvania one that will drive Trump to try to stop the count using rigged SCOTUS…though Dems have a massive legal fund and better lawyers….this time.
Then he could challenge Wisconsin and Michigan which are very very close but turning Biden…the count:
Wisconsin is Biden, if mail ballots hold.
Michigan should go Biden and Peters…but also very very close.
Pennsylvania will take days….and be a total mess but mail in ballots may go Biden putting him at 290.
God help us.
use USA today for results
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