Scott Ritter: I’m Not a Traitor… Lying Politicians and US Government are the Real Traitors

Former Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter answers his critics who accuse him of being a “Russian stooge” and an “anti-American traitor” owing to his trenchant criticism of US involvement in the Ukraine war with Russia.
Ritter says, “they can go to hell!” He adds, “my job is to tell the truth based on fact-based analysis”.
“I do not serve the US government, I serve the people and the Constitution,” says Ritter.
Ritter explains what guides his military and geopolitical views – “fact-based analysis”. He says this truth-telling has always got him in trouble with the Pentagon, the CIA and the US government. He recounts how in his past career he had major scrapes with military and political superiors while working as a US weapons inspector based in the Soviet Union and later as an intelligence officer during the First Gulf War in Iraq in the early 1990s.
During the Second Gulf War that began in 2003, Ritter helped expose the false Anglo-American propaganda claims of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that were used to (illegally) launch that war. Those claims were later shown to be a total fabrication even though that war destroyed a nation, killed and displaced millions, and spawned global terrorism. Ritter was vindicated.
“My job is not to please my bosses… My job is to tell the truth… I don’t work for the US Government.”
He adds: “I am not the one with an integrity problem.”
Scott Ritter has gained international respect for his independent analysis of the war in Ukraine and the deceptive involvement of the US and NATO.
He says people who accuse him of being a traitor have got things upside down. “The US Government lies all the time. It views the Constitution as an impediment to get around.”
I took an oath to defend against foreign and domestic enemies… the traitors are lying politicians, says Ritter, in a searing condemnation of Washington and its unscrupulous subversion of US and international law to pursue its wars and imperialist interests.
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