Hate China

It is China’s fault that humans get sick, and that novel viruses sometimes occur.
It is China’s fault that millions of Americans are being thrown off their employer-provided health insurance.
It is China’s fault that your government is unrolling increasingly authoritarian measures during this pandemic instead of ensuring financial security through economic hardship.
It is China’s fault that manufacturing jobs were shipped overseas. Those jobs and money will definitely come back if you just hate China enough.
It is China’s fault that people are scared and confused. It is China’s fault that capitalism isn’t rescuing us.
It is China’s fault that you are hurting. It is China’s fault that life is hard for you.
It is China’s fault that things never seem to get better in your country, no matter who you vote for.
It is China’s fault that it now takes two parents working overtime to feed a family while the wealthy get wealthier and wealthier.
It is China’s fault that everything feels so uncertain now, and that we’ve all got a growing feeling that something’s about to give.
It is China’s fault that you are overworked and undercompensated, and it is China’s fault that you suspect anyone else could possibly be responsible for this besides China.
It is China’s fault that you feel insecure, unloved, inadequate and unworthy. It is China’s fault that you have been betrayed, abused, attacked and abandoned by those who were supposed to love you.
It is China’s fault that early childhood is inherently traumatic, and that this leaves us all living and acting from unconscious pain.
It is China’s fault that we reject love from others because we have not yet learned to love ourselves.
It is China’s fault that we are hurtling through space on a spinning rock in a universe that we do not understand, and that our recently evolved brains have not yet made peace with this reality.
It is China’s fault that our inability to directly experience one another’s inner worlds leaves us with a perpetual background feeling of loneliness and alienation.
It is China’s fault that life is short and full of suffering. It is China’s fault that nothing is certain and meaning is an illusion.
China single-handedly invented the existence of illness.
China single-handedly invented economic hardship.
China single-handedly invented all hardship.
China is the cause of all your suffering.
Not those in your own nation who appear to be responsible.
China did this.
Not your kind and beneficent leaders.
Your kind and beneficent leaders would never hurt you.
Your kind and beneficent leaders love you.
Your kind and beneficent leaders are your friend.
Trust your kind and beneficent leaders.
Hate China.
Hate China with all your might.
Hating China will solve all your problems.
You just keep hating while we roll out the economic sanctions.
Keep hating while we unleash the proxy conflicts.
Keep hating while we deploy the war ships.
Keep hating and trust the movements of our missiles.
Above all keep hating while we tell you what to think.
Hate China and trust your kind and beneficent leaders.
Hate China.
Trust us.
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