Bat Shit Insane Religious Fanaticism Is A Requirement For US Empire Managers: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

During her Senate confirmation hearing for UN ambassador, Trump nominee Elise Stefanik was asked by Senator Chris Van Hollen if she agreed with Israeli Nazis Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotritch that Israel has a “Biblical right” to the West Bank. Stefanik said yes.
It’s so wild how bat shit insane religious delusions are almost a prerequisite for acceptance in the highest echelons of Official Washington. These confirmation hearings are like,
“Are you mentally ill enough to do US foreign policy?”
“Yes, I have the requisite mental illnesses to do US foreign policy.”
“Your brain is a festering stew of psychosis and you have trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality?”
“Yes, I promise that is the case.”
The world is ruled by religious fanatics with nukes. If a normal person says they’re the second coming of Jesus Christ they get medicated and institutionalized. If you make equally insane religious claims on the Senate floor, they let you run an empire.
The Anti-Defamation League has published a statement defending Elon Musk’s use of blatant Nazi salutes at Donald Trump’s inauguration rally, saying he “made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute,” and saying that everyone should “take a breath” over the controversy and give Musk “the benefit of the doubt”.
The ADL telling everyone to cool their jets about Elon Musk throwing up textbook Nazi salutes at a political event should be the final nail in the coffin for the “antisemitism” narrative. It won’t be, but it should be.
This makes it so transparently obvious that groups like the ADL do not exist to curb discrimination against Jews, they exist to promote the geopolitical and military interests of an apartheid state in the middle east. This is why you see them spending 99 percent of their energy shrieking about high-profile supporters of Palestinian human rights like Jeremy Corbyn and Greta Thunberg and almost no energy focusing on actual antisemitic white supremacists who want to hurt Jews.
Imagine if someone like Corbyn or Thunberg had repeatedly thrown up a Nazi salute at a political event after denouncing the abuses of the state of Israel. Just imagine how aggressively groups like the ADL would work to ensure they never appeared in public again. The entire western political-media class would unify to stomp their reputation through the floorboards forever. But because it came from someone who’s been falling all over himself to support the information interests of Israel, we get “This is a delicate moment, it was just an awkward hand gesture.”
There is no antisemitism crisis in our society. There isn’t. It’s a lie. A lie that has been cynically promoted by institutions like the ADL to shut down criticism of genocidal atrocities by a tyrannical apartheid state. That’s all we’ve ever been looking at here.
To be clear, I don’t particularly care that Elon Musk very clearly made Nazi salutes. We’ve just spent 15 months watching the US empire carry out a live-streamed genocide, and Elon Musk is one of the managers of that empire. Doing Nazi salutes just puts an accurate wrapper on the product.
My favorite genre of tweet right now is liberals going “Haha, those Chinese people on RedNote would have you believe they know more about China than I, a westerner who has watched television.”
Trump doesn’t deserve accolades for not continuing a genocide, Biden deserves to be thrown into a wood chipper for DOING the genocide.
Don’t get it backwards: you don’t get credit for NOT doing genocide. We’re not supposed to feel grateful and elated that a president might perhaps have decided not to do the single worst thing a person can possibly do. Not doing genocide is the most basic, bare-minimum expectation you could possibly have of someone; it’s so baseline it normally doesn’t even need to be said.
Don’t get tricked into thinking Trump pulled off some kind of diplomatic magic trick here. He just did the normal thing. Don’t let them dupe you into being grateful for it. It was always this easy. All that needed to happen to push the ceasefire through was for the president to say “Yeah we’re not going to keep supporting that genocide.” For 15 months Joe Biden and his handlers actively chose to keep doing genocide, and they deserve the highest order of punishment for doing so.
Don’t let them ratchet the Overton window further into the direction of murder and tyranny by thinking a president NOT doing genocide is some special thing you need to be appreciative of. Don’t let them force you to beg for crumbs. The only appropriate response to those 15 months of genocidal atrocities is the severe punishment of everyone responsible.
If “international law” was a real thing that actually existed, every nation which facilitated the destruction of Gaza would be forced to rebuild it immediately and war crimes tribunals would already be underway.
But international law does not exist in any meaningful way. Domestic laws exist because states have the power to enforce them, but there is no international body which has the power to force the US-centralized empire to stop committing mass atrocities. The reality is that we still live in an ultimately lawless world where tyrants do as they please, and the only rules of any real consequence are the ones which benefit the tyrants.
Domestic laws exist because it would never do for the masses to start killing the rich and powerful and taking back what’s been stolen from them. The ruling tyrants pretend international laws exist in order to justify “humanitarian interventions” and economic sanctions against disobedient governments. In all cases what we’re really seeing is the people with the guns and the bombs dictating how everyone else is allowed to act. That’s not the rule of law, it’s just garden variety totalitarianism with some narrative spin painted overtop it.
We will never live in a world where true justice is allowed to flourish as long as we are dominated by a tyrannical globe-spanning empire. Until then we remain in this wild west environment where the biggest band of thugs with the biggest guns make the rules.
Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Here is what David Icke said about the inauguration:
“Trump’s inauguration day and a time to be highly vigilant and streetwise.
You are going to be hit by so many reasons to think that Trump is a hero changing the world.
That is a crucial Stage 1 part of the Psyop. But from here on watch like a hawk the actions of the tech AI oligarchs around him, the AI control and human fusion agenda, deregulation to ease its passage, and the digital currency masquerading as crypto.
Watch in general the fundamentals of the Schwab Great Reset presented as ‘setting the people free’.
Fall for the Trump/Musk/Vance/Thiel/Sacks AI Psyop in the next four years and it’s over”
Trump is planned to speak at the WEF meetings in Davos (online), let’s see if he confirms Icke;s warnings.
Plus, the israelis have started to attack the West bank since Trump cancel Biden executive order sanctinning settlers in the West Bank (it was merely symbolic anyway but knowing the Jews, they certainly take that as a green light for another genocide).
Trump did a lot of good things on his first day, from ending the Dei and cliamte insanities, getting out of the globalist power grab posing as the “paris climate agreement;, getting out of the WHO and freeing the J6 political prisoners.
He might just burn himself if he keeps helping the zionists in their genocides or escalate the war vs Russia that everybody wants to stop except peices of shit like #twotierkeir, zelensky, von der leyen and their pimps in Davos.