Ukraine’s Manpower Crisis: No Amount of Money or Aid Can Solve It

– Ukraine is suffering from a growing military manpower crisis in addition to a lack of arms and ammunition;

– Trained military manpower takes up to half a year to produce, new brigade-sized units can take up to 30 months to stand up;

– Ukraine and its Western sponsors simply cannot produce trained military manpower faster than Russia is removing it from the battlefield;

– This leaves the collective West with the choice of either accepting it has lost its proxy war with Russia, or attempting to intervene more directly;


NEO – Ukraine’s Manpower Crisis: No Amount of Money or Aid Can Solve It (March 5, 2024):

The Kyiv Independent – Ukraine struggles to ramp up mobilization as Russia’s war enters 3rd year (March 3, 2024):…

The Washington Post – Front-line Ukrainian infantry units report acute shortage of soldiers (February 8, 2024):…

US Department of Defense – The National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) (2023-2024):….

NEO – Fatal Flaws Undermine America’s Defense Industrial Base (February 15, 2024):…

US Department of Defense – Press Release: Evaluation of Sustainment Strategies for the Patriot Air Defense Systems Transferred to the Ukrainian Armed Forces (DODIG-2024-056) and Evaluation of the DoD’s Sustainment Plan for Bradley, Stryker, and Abrams Armored Weapon Systems (February 20, 2024):…

Reuters – Ukraine considers proposal by army to mobilise another 500,000 for war (December 2023):…

Reuters – Who are the forces involved in Ukraine’s counteroffensive? (June 2023):…

US DoD – Defense Officials Hold Media Brief on the Training of Ukrainian Military (March 2022):…

The US Army War College Quarterly – Expanding Brigade Combat Teams: IS the Training Base Adequate? (2017):…

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