Pro-Ukrainian Maps Show Ukrainian Losses Over Just August

▪️As Ukraine commits multiple brigades to incursions over pre-2014 Russian borders, Ukrainian defenses along the line of contact continue crumbling with Russia gaining territory west of Avdeevka as well as in “New York;”

▪️Pro-Ukrainian “Live UA Map” which often delays displaying Russian gains by days/weeks admits to the gains seen pictured;

▪️This is the predictable result of Ukraine pulling already overstretched forces and equipment off the line of contact and diverting it to a costly offensive;

▪️Ukraine will lose its offensive force and be left with even weaker defenses, accelerating the collapse of Ukraine’s fighting capacity;

▪️ While this speeds up the destruction of Ukraine, it raises the costs for Russia in the process which only benefits Ukraine’s Western sponsors and was the central objective of the proxy war in the first place;

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