On rumors the US is planning to leave NATO…

Remember Brexit and how that was supposed to save the UK from all the wars and waste and catastrophe slowly drowning all of Europe?

How’d that work out?

In many ways, the UK leaving the EU only gave the US-Europe more options and opportunities to make everything even worse – and who will argue it hasn’t gotten worse?

If the US is still pursuing global primacy, interfering abroad, bombing Africa and the Middle East, selling arms to Europe, Israel, Taiwan, and the Philippines to prepare for or perpetuate proxy war, nothing is actually changing.

In many ways the US leaving NATO and fully absovling itself from article 5 commitments makes it EASIER to feed the rest of Europe into proxy war with Russia which is clearly the current trajectory.

Stop falling for theater and pay attention to actual substance.

When will be the time to celebrate?

When the bombs stop falling, the proxies stop getting armed, the US pulls its military out of EVERYWHERE – not just shift from encroaching on one nation’s borders to another – then maybe you might have something to get excited over.


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