More trouble for Boeing…

The US is its own worst enemy, Boeing is just one example of America’s profit-over-purpose mentality, maximizing short-term profits even at the cost of long-term self-preservation.

The US got away with it for decades because the world lacked alternatives.

That is now changing but the US is desperate to maintain its monopolies and continue this global grift

Defective parts may have been installed on new Boeing 737MAX aircraft, Bloomberg writes, citing a report by the company’s quality control inspector Sam Mohawk.

According to him, Boeing “lost” up to 400 low-quality parts. They could be installed on new aircraft. These are damaged or substandard components that need to be tracked, disposed of, or repaired with careful records.

The inspector says he tried to inform management about the violations, but his report went to the employees he complained about.

Mohawk then shared the report with OSHA, which was released to the Senate.

Previously, two Boeing employees who publicly spoke about irregularities in the company died under strange circumstances.

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