Israeli Shock and Awe in Lebanon Aims to Create Anger, Fear, Panic, Division

Accompanying Israeli aggression against Lebanon is a central psychological element of “shock and awe” meant to amplify the very real destruction and damage being done to Lebanon and Hezbollah.
It is designed to create fear, anger, panic, division, and desertion among US-Israeli opponents and disrupt the ability to resist military operations.
Independent media, by remaining objective and avoiding sensationalism, creates a bulwark against the effects of “shock and awe.”
Brian, it is getting much more difficult for me to access your videos. I am a longtime supporter of your work and always seek out videos (articles are available to read) but besides the rumble restrictions I am trying to overcome in France, other videos seem also to be disrupted.
Hi anaisanesse,
Try TOR or EPIC. While Tor might be blocked sometimes, Epic allows you to choose the IP address of other countries than totalitarian sh…hole France where Rumble won’t be censored.
thanks vinc I’ll try them.
Eliminating Jewlenski and Satanyahu
What would be two decisive events that could immediately end the genocide in Palestine/Lebanon and the war in Ukraine?
The first one would be the elimination of Netanyahu and the second one Zelenski’s.
They are both mass murderers, zionist jews, comedians, fraudsters and psychopathic criminals and are the main blockers for peace and cease fires.
It is their fanaticism, lies and malevolence that has avoided logical peace agreement to become reality. The genocide and war continue because they refuse to end them.
Without Netanyahu, his extremist allies wouldn’t have the legitimacy and majority to keep governing. Elections would probably be needed, preceded by a cease-fire.
Without the jewish dictator Zelenski who cancelled the presidential elections last spring, the country could elect a real leader and negotiate a peace treaty with Russia.
Let’s start by Russia for it is very easy. Don’t tell us that Putin and the FSB are not able to eliminate Zelenski, actually the west regularly accuse Putin to have ordered the assassination of his opponents, often with closed to magic techniques…
Given the means and experience of the KGB/FSB in the matter, the only reason Zelenski is still alive and able to keep sabotaging peace efforts is because the Russians had no intention to eliminate him.
Which is very strange since it would immediately end the war in their favor. Maybe they do not want this war to end?
For Netanyahu, it’s a bit more complicated since he is certainly under heavy protection and his elimination must probably be achieved from a distance by Iranians or Hezbollah forces.
Reconnaissance drones already flew over Netanyahu personal residence and an hypersonic missile managed to strike Tel-Aviv (next to the international airport) without the zionist being able to stop it. It wouldn’t be too difficult to strike Netanyahu’s residence one night.
The problem is that he probably doesn’t live there anymore . The zionists pretend they arrested an ‘israeli’ man who was trying to organize Netanyahu’s assassination few weeks ago. As usual, anything they say must be taken with the utmost caution. However, it could have been an attempt from one of the Resistance groups.
The best chance for The Resistance would be to find his exact location and hit him with a hypersonic missile (10-15 mn from Yemen to strike Tel-Aviv). I am sure that even an insane parano like Netanyahu stays more than half an hour in any place any given day.
If Iran is waiting for a big retaliation that will shut zionist and their US lackeys big mouths, and stun the world, this is it.
I guarantee one thing for sure, his death would be a gigantic feast worldwide.
You mean he wouldn’t be welcomed as a martyr??§!!