The place of the United States and Israel in the governments of the EU and France

The European Union was founded not by Europeans, but by the United States and the United Kingdom to better control them. The European Commission (formerly called the High Authority) is the unelected administration responsible for imposing their will on the Member States. In recent years, it has managed to expand the Commission’s powers to the detriment of the sovereignty of the Member States without changing anything in the treaties. Following this same line, Michel Barnier is bringing the American Democrats and the fascist faction of Israel into the French government.

In France and in the European Union, the place and responsibility of States are gradually being called into question. Without any changes being made to the European Treaties, many of the Member States’ powers have been discreetly transferred to the European Commission over the last five years.

100 franc note issued by the United States and put into circulation by the Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories (AMGOT). Washington and London intended to occupy France in place of the Nazis.

The origins of the European Commission

Let us first recall that the European Union is the result of a process imagined by the Anglo-Saxons at the end of 1942. Admiral William Leahy, Chief of Staff of the United States Armed Forces and former ambassador to Vichy until May 1942, established in Algiers an Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories (AMGOT) for France, led by Admiral François Darlan and then General Henri Girault. He applied the Vichy laws, but did not recognize the authority of Charles De Gaulle in London.

Charles De Gaulle, considering that the British and the Americans had no more right than the Nazis to occupy his country, was firmly opposed to it (hence his opposition to the Normandy landings [1]). Also this government could only be extended to Germany, Austria and Japan, but not as planned to Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Denmark and France.

In view of this failure, the Anglo-Saxons sought a form of governance to be able to control the whole world, in accordance with their common will expressed at the Atlantic Conference.

At the end of the Second World War, the United States and the United Kingdom divided the world between them. Churchill imagined grouping West Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in a supranational organisation, the European Economic Community (EEC). It was to replace the AMGOT (which persisted in Germany and Italy) to implement the principle of free movement of people, services and capital, in accordance with the Anglo-Saxon strategy of free trade. The United States linked the Marshall Plan loans to the obligation of these countries to join the EEC.
The British MI6 created the European League for European Cooperation (ELEC), while the CIA financed the Union of European Federalists (UEF) and created the American Committee on United Europe (ACUE).



The first president of the High Authority of the EEC, that is to say of the predecessor of the Commission of the European Union, was the German Walter Hallstein (1958-1967). This Nazi jurist had designed the Neuordnung Europas (New European Order) for the Führer Adolf Hitler: it was about replacing nation states with ethnic regional structures, while extending the Reich to all German-speaking populations, and emptying its living space of its indigenous populations. Walter Hallstein only having to manage part of Europe for the Anglo-Saxons, he did not have to address the issues of the expansion of Germany or that of the expulsion or extermination of Slavic populations. As a precaution, the Anglo-Saxons neutralized him by removing the regionalization policy from his functions, which they entrusted to the Council of Europe.

Throughout its history, the High Authority, then the European Commission, were only civilian interfaces between NATO (which replaced AMGOT) and the Member States. Its first officials came from AMGOT in Germany and Italy. During the war, they had been trained in civil-military affairs in about ten US universities.

These (non-elected) administrations have the power to initiate rules in the Union area instead of the (elected) European Parliament. This point is extremely important: the High Authority, then the Commission, have no other goal than to introduce all NATO standards into the laws of the Member States. The European Parliament is only a chamber for recording the decisions of Anglo-Saxon imperialism.

Today, the Commission has imposed standards on the production of chocolate (which are exactly those previously set by NATO for the chocolate bar in the soldier’s ration) and on the construction of certain roads (in order to be able to pass through them by the Alliance’s tanks).

Ursula van der Leyen has managed to increase the power of the Commission at the expense of the Member States without modifying the European treaties. His administration can now bring the United States a little more into the Union’s politics.

The van der Leyen Commission

Let us now come to the present period. In 2014, it was agreed that the presidency of the Commission will go to the head of the list of the party that won the European Parliament election. At the time, it was thought that either the European People’s Party (EPP) or the Party of European Socialists (PES), which already shared the presidency of the Parliament, would come out on top. Former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, a member of NATO’s stay-behind networks (Gladio), was appointed by the EPP and became President of the Commission from 2014 to 2019.

In 2019, the presidency of the Commission should have fallen to the Christian Democrat Manfred Weber. However, he relinquished this position, paving the way for the Social Democrat Frans Timmermans, former Dutch Foreign Minister, whose party came second in the European Parliament elections.


Scientists now believe that 2.8 billion of these doses were not vaccines, but only mRNA drugs. Moreover, they were all experimental.

The Court of Justice of the European Union will deplore the Commission’s lack of transparency regarding the contracts for the purchase of anti-Covid vaccines. However, none of the procedures initiated to obtain information about the exchanges between the pharmaceutical laboratories and Ms van der Leyen will be successful. Her husband, Heiko von der Leyen, was appointed medical director of Orgenesis, a company linked to one of the laboratories manufacturing the vaccines. He works very little there and receives an exorbitant salary. In addition, according to the Court of Auditors of Cyprus, Ursual van der Leyen’s Health Commissioner, the Greek Stélla Kyriakídou, received 4 million euros via her husband, Kyriakos Kyriakídou.

On February 23, 2022, Russia began its “special military operation” to put an end to the massacres perpetrated by “integral nationalists” in Donbass. This entry of the Russian army into Ukrainian territory is considered by NATO as an aggression, although it is only an application of Resolution 2202 and the responsibility to protect. In any case, the High Representative and Vice-President of the Commission, Josep Borrell, declared: “This is the moment when geopolitical Europe is being born”.

The Commission immediately proposed packages of coercive measures against Russia that the Council adopted without debate. This is the transcription into European law of the measures already taken by the United States and coordinated by the former Washington ambassador to Moscow, Michael McFaul.

The Commission also proposed a vast programme of financial and military aid to Ukraine. It is drawn up by Björn Seibert, Ursula van der Leyen’s chief of staff and a former analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, in constant contact with Washington. To date, it has mobilised 88 billion euros in financial aid for kyiv and 50 billion euros in weapons (“Ukraine Facility”).

Michel Barnier does not see any contradiction between his Gaullist affiliation and his support for Anglo-Saxon Europe.

Michel Barnier’s role in France

Before the European elections in June 2024, President Emmanuel Macron proposed that Michel Barnier become his Prime Minister. However, the presidential list failed to garner 15% of the vote. President Macron then dissolved the National Assembly with a serious hope of reconstituting his parliamentary majority. However, Jean-Luc Mélenchon managed to bring together the left-wing parties within the New Popular Front in two days. In the first round, the presidential list only garnered 20% of the vote. President Macron avoided the worst by organizing a “Republican Front” against Marine Le Pen’s National Rally. It was only after two months of procrastination that he managed to appoint Michel Barnier as Prime Minister.

Michel Barnier is an opportunist. A supporter of the Gaullist Jacques Chaban-Delmas, he betrayed him for the Atlanticist Valéry Giscard d’Estaing in 1977. A supporter of the neo-Gaullist Jacques Chirac, he betrayed him through the Atlanticist Édouard Balladur in 1993. In 2007, in the Clearstream 2 affair, he testified before Judge Renaud Van Ruymbeke against the Gaullist Dominique de Villepin in favor of the Atlanticist Nicolas Sarkozy.

His only constant is to participate in the construction of the European Union in the shadow of Washington and London. After the rejection by referendum of the European Constitution, he was a member of the Amato group that drafted the Lisbon Treaty, which would be imposed through parliamentary channels. He patiently negotiated the conditions of Brexit with London because he was the only European Commissioner who knew the history of the EU and understood the logic of the British will.

However, he alienated many senior European officials during the 2022 French presidential campaign. He denounced the management of immigration rules for decades by his colleagues at the Court of Justice of the EU, something he had never done before.

On September 21, the Élysée announced the composition of the government of which he was Prime Minister. He took care to let people believe that he was the sole author and that President Macron had not influenced him.

This is obviously false. For example, Marc Ferracci, Minister Delegate for Industry, a former classmate of Emmanuel Macron during their studies at SciencesPo, was his best man, while the president was the best man at his. His father, Pierre Ferracci, participated in the Attali Commission for the Liberation of French Growth (2007-2010), for which Emmanuel Macron was special rapporteur. He runs a network for relocating senior civil servants who have been temporarily sidelined. The new minister’s wife, Sophie Ferracci, was Emmanuel Macron’s chief of staff at the Ministry of the Economy and his political party, En Marche. She was relocating to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and is now president of the SOS Group of Jean-Marc Borello, a long-time friend of Brigitte Macron.

The Barnier government is placed under the auspices of the US Democrats and Israeli revisionist Zionists.

His Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Noël Barrot, is the heir to a long line of Christian Democrats. His grandfather, Noël Barrot, was a member of the Resistance and a member of parliament. His father, Jacques Barrot, created the Dialogue & Initiative club with Michel Barnier. He was a member of parliament, a minister, vice-president of the European Commission and even a member of the Constitutional Council. Jean-Noël’s sister, Hélène Barrot, is director of communications for Uber-Europe. A specialist in finance, he was an associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), then a professor at HEC Paris. He was a laureate (2020 class) of the French-American Foundation’s “Young Leaders” program.

In this photograph that we have already published, we see, on September 26, 2024, the US and French presidents at the United Nations. Benjamin Haddad is next to Emmanuel Macron, while Amos Hochstein is on the right of the photo. This small group staged a request for a ceasefire in Lebanon. In reality, it was to give Israel time to assassinate Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah.

The most surprising member of the Barnier government is his Minister Delegate for Europe, Benjamin Haddad. The press noted his role within the Atlantic Council, therefore in the service of Washington. He was also a senior official in the European External Action Service (EEAS) where he defended the positions of the United States and Israel.

But the most important thing is elsewhere: he worked for a long time within the Tikvah Fund, which presents itself as an American Jewish education association. In reality, it is an association of “revisionist Zionists”, that is to say, disciples of the fascist Vladimir Jabotinsky whose portrait adorns the walls of all its buildings and all its publications. The Tikvah Fund is not a pro-Israeli organization like the others, it promotes the ideology of Benjamin Netanyahu (whose father was Jabotinsky’s private secretary) [2]. Let us recall that the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, had forbidden Jabotinsky to be buried in Israel.

According to Haaretz, the Tikvah Fund, chaired by the American criminal Elliott Abrams, financed the takeover of power in Israel by Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich [3].

What to remember:
• The European Commission is the heir to the High Authority of the EEC, itself the heir to the AMGOT, that is to say to the Anglo-Saxon military occupation authority.
• The European Commission is therefore not elected, but composed at the instigation of the Anglo-Saxons. Its sole function is to have NATO standards adopted by member states.
• The Barnier government is an extension of the Commission. It thus includes both a minister approved by the US Democrats and another representing the revisionist Zionists of Benjamin Netanyahu.


[1How to justify NATO’s aggression against Russia”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Roger Lagassé, Voltaire Network, 11 June 2024.

[2The veil is being torn: the hidden truths of Jabotinsky and Netanyahu”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Roger Lagassé, Voltaire Network, 25 January 2024.

[3The coup d’état of the Straussians in Israel”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Roger Lagassé, Voltaire Network, 7 March 2023.

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