Israeli Shock and Awe in Lebanon Aims to Create Anger, Fear, Panic, Division

Accompanying Israeli aggression against Lebanon is a central psychological element of “shock and awe” meant to amplify the very real destruction and damage being done to Lebanon and Hezbollah.

It is designed to create fear, anger, panic, division, and desertion among US-Israeli opponents and disrupt the ability to resist military operations.

Independent media, by remaining objective and avoiding sensationalism, creates a bulwark against the effects of “shock and awe.”

One thought on “Israeli Shock and Awe in Lebanon Aims to Create Anger, Fear, Panic, Division

  • anaisanesse

    Brian, it is getting much more difficult for me to access your videos. I am a longtime supporter of your work and always seek out videos (articles are available to read) but besides the rumble restrictions I am trying to overcome in France, other videos seem also to be disrupted.


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