Muhammad Yunus, just sworn in as head of Bangladesh government

Muhammad Yunus, just sworn in as head of Bangladesh gov following US-backed regime change, had begged the US to aid in changing Bangladesh’s laws on his behalf in 2009, according to US diplomatic cables…

▪️Yunus was in regular contact with the US government through the US embassy as well as trips to Washington D.C.;

▪️In 2009, he asked the US to pressure PM Sheikh Hasina to reverse a law giving the gov control over choosing the chair of his bank;

▪️The US embassy agreed to pressure the PM & promised to “note the potential negative consequences ” for the gov of refusing to reverse the law;

▪️The same cable admits the US government supports Yunus in the context of challenging the ruling government;


In addition to Bangladesh’s new interim leader, Muhammad Yunus having asked the US government to intervene against the now ousted PM Hasina, he has also received several major awards from the US government itself.

This includes the Congressional Gold Medal (2013) and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (2009)…

Yunus bragged about this on the website of his own “Yunus Centre,” including referring to himself as an “American Muslim.”‘


Reports claim student leaders including Nahid Islam who ousted Bangladesh’s gov came from Dhaka University.

(source: )

20 out of 23 professors in the Political Science Dept studied in the West.

(source: )

US government projects include Dhaka University professors, at least one Dhaka U. professor received a US State Department Fulbright scholarship.

(source: )

The degree to which the US compromises academia in targeted nations constitutes a national security threat – these professors in turn indoctrinate/influence 100 if not 1,000s of students each year providing fertile ground for US-sponsored unrest.

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