Does Israel Wag America or Does America Wag Israel

Americans who pay attention are critical of Israel for its control not only of US foreign policy but also US domestic policies, such as those regulating speech, and even tenure decisions of Catholic universities. CIA personnel have complained that attempts to rein-in Israeli spying on America have been politically blocked. John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in their book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, reveal Israel’s power over America.

It is hard to see it any other way when American universities, such as Harvard, prevent students from protesting Israel’s genocide of Palestine, and when in the middle of the genocide, the US Congress shows its support for the genocide by inviting Israeli prime minister Netanyahu to address Congress and reward his war crimes with 53 standing ovations. How can Washington be any more subservient to Israel than that?

The visible evidence indicates that Israel controls America, not America controls Israel. But there is another view. It is well stated here — — by Michael Hudson and Richard Wolfe. Gilbert Doctorow shares it.

Hudson and Wolfe are credible witnesses, because they, especially Hudson, participated in the formation of Washington’s policy to use and direct Israel in behalf of US hegemony in the Middle East. Israel is Washington’s proxy against the Muslims, just as Ukrainians are Washington’s proxy against Russia, just as Georgians were when Washington sent them to invade South Ossetia, and just as the British and Europe are by serving Washington’s hegemony at the risk of their own destruction.

Looking at it from this standpoint, the view that Israel controls Washington serves as a cover to protect Washington from responsibility for Israel’s actions that serve Washington’s agendas.

Instead of choosing between the two explanations, I would say both are true. The cover has been in place for 50 years, and during that time due to belief in it, acquired its own power. The consequence is that whereas Israel has as much power over Americans’ First Amendment rights as the US Supreme Court, Israel continues as Washington’s proxy against the Arabs.

The Hudson-Wolfe explanation originated as an interview hosted by Nima Alkhorshid on October 6, 2024. At places it seems there are errors in the transcription that result in confusion, but if you attend to the confusing passages you can figure out what is being said.

In the last part of the interview, Hudson and Wolfe seem to agree with my position that the Russians, Arabs, and Iranians are miscalculating when they rely on threats of wider war and demonstrations of ability to strike Israel to bring the Washington hegemon to his senses. What they are actually doing is giving away their strategic advantage to Washington and to Israel without getting credit for trying to stop the widening of the wars.

Hudson and Wolfe support the point that I have often made. No one with a wide audience, money, or clout from a think tank, university, or major foundation is saying a word about the risks of two wars spinning out of control into nuclear war. Those few of us speaking are isolated individuals denounced as Russian agents, anti-semites, and purveyors of disinformation. This should scare the world to death. We are approaching Armageddon from two directions, and the word can’t get out.

Does Israel Wag America or Does America Wag Israel

One thought on “Does Israel Wag America or Does America Wag Israel

  • Jes

    The thing that Pual Craig Roberts forgets to mention is the complete control of the US and most other western countries by not only zionist but Jewish interests.

    99% of the MSM are in the hands of Jews in the US, Hollywwod is a Jewish owned business broadcasting propaganda since more than a century, favorable to Jewish interests of course.

    Most financial businesses are also in their hands, starting with Blackorck, vanguard and Statestreet, which own most global corporations.

    From there, it’s not difficult to see how they can control politicians, mock ‘regulators’ and many institutions (academia. “science”, etc..).

    It is no different in the UK, Europe and former UK colonies (AU,CA, NZ).

    These countries are the regimes who hit harder on pro-Palestine and anti-genocide activism, protest and journalism. Not a surprised since the puppet politicians in these banana regimes take their orders directly from their zionist/Jewish puppet masters.

    The wag question doesn’t apply when the west has been fully infiltrated and is now run by those who fund, encourage and support all “Israel” wars and genocides.


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