Zionist Hasbara is unravelling faster than Yemen’s ballistic missile

In the last few days the Zionist propaganda juggernaut has been putting a spanner in its own wheels very successfully.

I will be covering the extraordinary collapse of the mainstay Zionist propaganda since October 7th – on UK Column News this Wednesday. But for a taste of the Hasbara shambles:

Why did the UK Jewish Chronicle ‘publish fake Israeli intelligence?’

This has been reported in a number of Israeli and UK media outletsAl Mayadeen and The Cradle have also provided analysis.

I will take the report in 972 Magazine as an Israeli source. Their caption reads:

Israel’s army suspects fabrications published in the Jewish Chronicle were part of a pro-Bibi influence campaign, while the article’s author is not as he claims.

From the article – On Sept. 4, Benjamin Netanyahu called a press conference for foreign media in order to explain his stubborn insistence on keeping Israeli forces in Gaza’s Philadelphi Corridor, even at the expense of a hostage deal. To his well-worn claim that the Gaza-Egypt border has historically been “porous” to the smuggling of weapons, the prime minister attached a new argument: if the Israeli army is not in control of the area, Hamas could “easily smuggle hostages out … to the Sinai desert,” and from there to “Iran or … Yemen.” After that, he added, “they’re gone forever.”

These fantastical claims are not substantiated until along comes the Jewish Chronicle and author Elon Perry to bring Netanyahu’s imagined scenarios to reality:

Perry claims, according to 972Mag:

It [the article] purported to reveal evidence from Israeli “intelligence sources” proving not only that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar intended to smuggle out the remaining hostages via the Philadelphi Corridor to Iran, but that Hamas’ surviving leaders in Gaza, including Sinwar himself, would be going with them.

Such a plan, the article stated, “was reportedly revealed during the interrogation of a captured senior Hamas official, as well as by information obtained from documents seized on Thursday, August 29, the day the six bodies of the murdered hostages were retrieved.” It went on: “To Sinwar, the Philadelphi corridor has turned out to be the only option available to fulfill his plan.”

The story was picked up by right wing Zionist-aligned sites and social media influencers and swiftly gathered traction. Even Nethanyahu’s son Yair ran with it.

The problem is, as 972Mag pointed out, the story was a lie.

The day after it was published, Israel’s Channel 12 refuted the article’s claims, stating that “all of the relevant sources in the security establishment” are unaware of the supposed intelligence, whether from an interrogation or a written document. Two days later, Ynet journalist Ronen Bergman quoted four sources from Israel’s intelligence community and the Israeli army’s prisoners and missing persons division, who described the Jewish Chronicle’s claims as a “wild fabrication” and stated that no such document exists. Another described it as “one hundred percent lies.” IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari also officially dismissed the story as being baseless.

Concurrently the German propaganda outlet BILD published another wild invention based on another “secret document” – so secret it doesn’t actually exist:

…an exclusive report in Germany’s most widely read daily newspaper, Bild, purported to reveal the contents of a secret document found on Sinwar’s personal computer in Gaza earlier this year. That document, Bild claimed, contained Hamas’ strategy vis-a-vis the hostage negotiations as approved by Sinwar himself, revealing how the group is “manipulating the international community, [psychologically] torturing the hostage families, and seeking to rearm.”

The purpose behind this “leak” was to convey the idea that Hamas was not serious about hostage or peace negotiations. Of course, the opposite is true. Netanyahu has systemically scuppered the peace agreements with final changes of proposals and the ever expanding Zionist list of demands in the knowledge that they will never be accepted by the Palestinian Resistance factions.

As 972Mag pointed out, a little falsehood did not prevent Netanyahu from parroting the tall tale during an Israeli Cabinet meeting:

Remarkably, that story — which was parroted by Netanyahu in an Israeli cabinet meeting on Sunday — was also based largely on fabrication. Israeli military sources told Ynet that the army did discover a document in Gaza earlier this year bearing some likeness to the one described by the German newspaper, but it was merely a proposal drafted by a junior operative. Contrary to Bild’s claims, it was not an official strategy document, nor was it penned by Sinwar or any other senior Hamas leader. And as for the line about Hamas being willing to prolong the negotiations — that didn’t appear in the real document at all.

So, what is going on? That is clearly a rhetorical question.

The Israeli army seems to be treating the two articles, in the Jewish Chronicle and Bild, as connected, and has opened an internal investigation to try and find the source of the leaks and fabrications. According to Bergman in Ynet, the military suspects that whoever is responsible is seeking to influence Israeli public opinion in favor of Netanyahu, just as mass Israeli protests for a hostage deal threaten to scuttle his attempts to keep the war raging.

From 972Mag:

It is widely inferred that Netanyahu has for months been selectively leaking information to the Israeli media under the guise of a “senior Israeli official,” but this would mark a new stage in his attempts to deceive the public. The divisions in recent months between Netanyahu and the security establishment, including on the issue of the Philadelphi Corridor, have also been well documented.

“How is it possible that right after the six living hostages came back dead and public outrage grew and the protests intensified, a letter was written that answers all of Netanyahu’s problems?” the veteran Israeli journalist Shlomi Eldar tweeted, referring to the doctored document revealed by Bild. “For half a year, the ‘Sinwar document’ … was waiting on Sinwar’s personal computer for publication? And surely it makes sense that Sinwar sits in a tunnel thinking and thinking and arrives precisely at a document that matches Netanyahu’s slogans?”

While other reports in the UK have avoided putting author Elon Perry under any real scrutiny, 972Mag provides a humiliating view into Perry’s fabrication about his own identity and CV. One might also ask why it has taken 972Mag so long to actually review the credentials of the senior writer at the Jewish Chronicle but that is another story.

Perry made the claim that the IOF had successfully assassinated Mohammed Deif in Gaza. A claim vociferously denied by regional actors such as Hamas commander Osama Hamdan. Again, this claim was picked up and widely promulgated by a wide range of Israeli and Western media outlets with very little verification.

The author of the Jewish Chronicle article is a man by the name of Elon Perry, who has published a series of scoops in the newspaper since the war began — including revealing new details about the Israeli army’s recent assassinations of Hamas’ military commander Mohammed Deif (whose death Hamas has denied) and political chief Ismail Haniyeh, in Gaza and Tehran respectively.

Perry’s bio on the Jewish Chronicle’s website states that he served as a commando soldier in Israel’s Golani Brigade for 28 years, that he has 25 years of journalism experience, and that he lectures on the Middle East in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

You can read the 972Mag article for the full extent of Perry’s Walter Mitty leanings but here is a sample:

His website additionally claims that during his military service he was part of a unit of mista’arvim, or soldiers who go undercover as Palestinians, and that he also participated in Operation Entebbe, Israel’s 1976 raid of a passenger plane hijacked by Palestinian and German militants. Perry also professes to be the author of two books, and is described by the publisher of the second, which came out in April of this year, as having been a professor at Tel Aviv University (TAU) for more than 15 years.

Except almost none of this is true. An investigation by Hazinor, a program on Israel’s Channel 13, revealed on Sept. 9 that there was no record of Perry having worked at TAU, nor did he participate in Entebbe. What’s more, the photo on his website purporting to show him undercover at a protest dressed as a Palestinian — which he labeled as being from 1992 — was actually taken in 2015.

The murky undertones of these two publications BILD and JC are not unknown – BILD journalist Julian Ropcke was instrumental in disseminating fake news about the regime change war waged against Syria since 2011, including the fabricated chemical weapon attacks staged by CIA/MI6 White Helmets.

To those familiar with the Jewish Chronicle’s coverage in recent years, revelations that it has published inaccurate and politically motivated reporting will not come as much of a surprise. Following a murky takeover in 2020, the paper’s output and editorial tone — which was already right-wing — has become increasingly sensationalist under the stewardship of editor Jake Wallis Simons, who is a frequent guest on Britain’s biggest news and politics shows.

Perry’s articles have been duly scrubbed from the Jewish Chronicle website and he has resigned, presumably pushed. The proverbial rats are also jumping ship. Four of the paper’s most prominent columnists, David Baddiel, Jonathan Freedland, David Aaronovitch, and Hadley Freeman, announced their resignation in protest of the controversy.

Of course none of them had any major issue with the Zionist genocide and savagery in Gaza and the West Bank since October 7th basing their Zionist-partisan journalism on the proven fraudulent claims of Hamas baby ovens, rape and mass murder.

972Mag gives both BILD and Jewish Chronicle too much benefit of the doubt. I do however agree that “The result, whether wittingly or unwittingly, was to gift Netanyahu the perfect silver bullet to continue staving off public and international pressure for a hostage deal that would end the war.”.

The Zionist Falsehoods keep coming

Other Zionist “feel good” tall tales have permeated Israeli media this week (I will also cover on Wednesday)

1: There is a Mission Impossible claim that IOF commandoes were helicoptered in to carry out a ground operation during the Israeli aggression against Syria last week. The Israeli forces used explosives they brought with them to blow up the underground facility from within, including advanced machinery, according to two sources who spoke to Axios – Jerusalem Post

Allegedly they managed to break through the security ring around the Masyaf Scientific Research and Development underground centre and blow up the blast-proof inner sanctum. Anyone else remember the Milk Tray adverts?

These claims have, of course, been strenuously denied by Iran and Syria and generally derided by analysts who know the extent of security around these underground development and technology facilities.

2: No, there are no Yemeni troops inside Syria. This is a rumour circulating, started by Iran Observer on X, known to be a disinformation portal.

There are more Zionist intelligence blunders but I will save those for my report on Wednesday. Suffice to say that the entire Zionist Hasbara apparatus is shaking from its very foundations for the first time since the establishment of the Zionist state on Palestinian land – a project that from its inception took control of the narrative and disappeared the Palestinian history and testimony.

It is worth pointing out a little known fact, that under Trump, in 2018, Netanyahu decreed that the Nakba archives be closed thus eradicating Palestinians from the bloody history of Zionist occupation and apartheid.

This Special Document File examines the closure of documents on the Nakba in the Israeli archives and argues that this closure must be juxtaposed with recent intensified U.S. and Israeli attempts to depoliticize the Palestine question and to delegitimize the Palestinian narrative in general, and that of 1948 in particular. The documents are important because they expose the systematic nature of the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine, both in planning and execution. Many of these documents have been copied and scanned by scholars over the years, but they are now no longer accessible to the public or to researchers. Collating, digitizing, and archiving these documents is the best response to the attempt to cover up the crimes against the Palestinian people in 1948.


One thought on “Zionist Hasbara is unravelling faster than Yemen’s ballistic missile

  • Diana Pearce

    Excellent reporting as usual
    Thank you
    The web of lies surrounding Israel n Palestine is unbelievable upheld By the majority of western govts


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