UK’s Racists/Terrorists Both Deliberately Homegrown to Spread War Abroad and a Police State at Home

▪️This has been obvious for years (decades even), this article all the way back from 2016 warned about what was already at the time a well-oiled propaganda campaign targeting both “conservatives” and “liberals:”

▪️As usual, emotions have clouded the minds of many as gangs of racists and extremists, both created and backed by US-UK interests are used to divide the public and usher in unprecedented policies abroad and security measures at home;

▪️The US-UK governments are lined with individuals who encourage gangs of racists while also meeting with and harboring in the West terrorists organized, armed, (radicalized in the first place by Western allies) and used by the West;

▪️This has been going on all throughout the “War on Terror” where Washington and London both posed as “fighting” terrorism while also sponsoring it in the first place;

▪️If you find yourself complaining about how unfair it is for racist idiots to be jailed while violent criminals and extremists run rampant or vice versa, you have successfully been recruited into the agenda by the interests behind BOTH;

▪️If people want a better world they need to start with themselves, ensuring reason rather than emotions direct their thoughts and actions, otherwise you’re just part of the problem, and in the service of those creating the problem;

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