Dmitry Orlov and Vladimir Putin believe the US is failing, because the US government, in Putin’s words, […]
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan chief scientist for the World Health Organization, has been charged by the Mumbai-based association […]
Alone among the 50 states Arizona is conducting an audit of the 2020 election. The majority Republican state […]
Here is the website for all 305 studies of the effectiveness of HCQ in Covid threament. If used […]
People were amazed that in 1962 Andy Warhol was able to sell a picture of a Campbell’s […]
A civilized society rests on truth and fact, not on deception and deceit. As truth and fact […]
Ask yourself why public health authorities would suppress this information: Or this information: Why […]
The American whore media with a straight face reports that Biden intends to confront Putin at their […]
Was slavery a wrong or an inherited institution? Did slavery originate in the English colonies in North […]
Before we give in to hopes that the Biden/Putin Summit will result in better relations between the […]
The United States is best understood today as the Disunited States. There is less unity than in 1860. Civility is […]
Most Americans have no idea how far gone their country is. We not only have the Biden regime […]